Apply to foster a dog in need
Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue does not have a physical shelter where our dogs are housed. We rely on the generous support of people like you to foster our adoptable dogs for us until we are able to find a permanent home for them. The length of time a dog is in foster varies, depending on health and medical treatment, behavioural improvements, and ability to adapt to new surroundings.
As a rescue, we meet the physical needs of the dog. The rescue will provide the foster families with quality dog food, leash, harness, collar, kennel, medications, and will cover all medical bills while the dog is in our care. As a foster family, we ask that you help meet the emotional needs of the dog by providing love, care, safety, stability, and structure.
Foster parents must have time to devote to the dog, a good natured attitude to handle challenges, and a fully fenced yard to keep them safe (exceptions made for dog-friendly apartments or condominiums). Many of the dogs in our care have come from some pretty grim circumstances, so patience and persistence are requirements of anyone looking to foster.
Fostering is an incredibly rewarding experience and you can feel good knowing that these dogs need you to help them adjust to life as part of a family.

If you are interested, please complete the Foster Application below.
If you are having trouble with the form below, click here to download a printable version of the Foster Application form or email us at with any questions.
Please Note: Boston Terrier and Pug Rescue of Southern Manitoba reserves the right to refuse foster or adoption applications at any time.