This is the month of Love and we hope you can fall in love with one of our adoptable dogs.
Nothing says… ‘I love you’ like genuine fur! Fur is available in all sizes from petite to husky! đŸ˜‰
 There will be adoptable dogs from each rescue available to meet and greet. You are welcome to bring your current furry family members for a “Love Photo” in our photo booth by Professional photographer Rebecca, Red Photo Co. Photos will be $10 and will be emailed out.
We will also have a bake sale, craft sale, 50/50 draw, silent auction and much much more. All monies raised from the bake sale, craft sale, 50/50 draw and silent auction will be split equally between MSDR and BTPRSM.
For more information, please contact either:
MSDR: Val Pankhurst – vpankhurst@shaw.ca
BTPRSM: Jessica, Rena or Shaila – btprmb@gmail.com
Look forward to seeing you and your furry friends all there!!!